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different forms of therapy, work during psychiatric illness, about society 

and harmageddon. Stockholm the comic, competition and society, My Island

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About  Tensta and Husby

The most important part of the human survival is the food. To be interested in politics, is not the same thing as it is, to be a therrorist. I thought as a young boy, that the left was the same thing, as to be a killer, or to be a thief.

I lived in a suburb for 7 years, that was built during the 1970´s. I worked nearby, and I was quite content with the neighbourhood. But I would have liked if it had been more variation in the area. I would have liked, that the houses had been more different in the architecture. The only thing that was different was the colours of the houses. Otherwise the houses was in the same style and architecture.

Tensta on the other hand is more variated. Tensta, of today, are worn down and would be replaced by other houses. Husby also would benefit of being changed and most of the areas could benefit of a great architectural change.

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Stockholm 2025 03 18, from Hornsgatan


-Fountain House should make a profit-

Fountain House, a mental health organisation, based upon morality, and the kneed for people to be a part in society, and that everyone has the right to  be some kind of a working and moraly just part of the society.

However we are overdoing it a little bit! We do have to work, out of the kneed to be a part of society. Another hoax, in the system, is that fountain house ought to make a profit, in the near future. Do you see my point? Fountain House, and other organisations at the rim of the society, should make a profit. Do you understand, what I mean? Thank you for you to take your valuable time as early as this, to read these humble lines!

Thank you!

-Fountain house should make a profit-


Stockholm 2024_09_17
Stockholm 2024 09 17, from Drottningholm
Robert Naverstam

-To help developing countries and regions-

There ought to be started a new kind of help to developing nations and regions.
The different regions or countries should get help to start industies and businesses,
of a kind that was suitable for their country or region.

The biggest asset a country or region has is not their natural resources, but it is their
human resourses. The people and the illegal imigration into the united states, should
be prevented by a help to get the nations and counties to start to develope technology
and inventions to contribute to the world as a whole.

-To help developing countries and regions-

For safety and for the world to consist for a person like me, there ought to be retreat places in a hospitalenvironment, for a person like me to end up in, if something goes wrong, as it might. The society has a mission to get the security, in the case of a breakdown, if something goes wrong. Somewhere safe for a person to be, if something goes wrong economically or otherwise special places, where a rehabilitated persons like us, could end up in for a short time in the case of emergency if something went wrong.

stockholm 2024
Stockholm 2024 09 17



People like me, rehabilitated, from depression or illusions, should just, plainly, honestly and all other, the big dream, we should work. WE SHOULD WORK, FOR CHRISTS SAKE! We should work. BASTARDS, WE OUGHT TO WORK, somewhere in the big threadmill, we should work.


We are rehabilitated, to some degree, but the big burden we are on society, that we are, we are not rubbish of society, sometimes we get neglected. Sometime we feel better, sometimes we feel low, other times we feel, I do not know how or what.


This is our society, together with others we ought to work. There ought to be special jobs for us, that suits us!


People like us, could take care of a caffeteria at a corporation or an office somewhere. We could be messengerboys, running around in an office with written messages to someone else, at some level in the threadmill. We ought to work.

Now I write down a messengerpin, a maraton stick, for the world to put into action.


START IDEALISTIC WORKINGCENTRALS, WITH staff for to solve the problems that might pop up, when a former psychiatric member of society goes out to find a life outside of the wards and hospitals.


For christs sake! We have to build a bigger dream out of fountain house. Let there be light! Put out idealistic clubs and places, for a beginner in a more normal life, for the weak and less strong persons. We ought to work half time all of us! We can do much more than we think. The old fountain house clubhouses ougth to be clubhouses open in the evenings, or half a day.  Normally we should be in a more  normal work, in the threadmill. DO YOU SEE MY POINT?

We can usually propably make it better than we think!


Thank you,  Robert Naverstam


Stockholm the Comic
Stockholm the Comic

The Dr Halkan Gallery a website from
Robert Naverstam, on the web
 Naverstam Web Art Gallery
 From Stockholm, sweden